Baum Welch Algorithm is an EM algorithm

Given an stochastic model P(v,h|θ), where v is ‘Visible’ data, h is ‘Hidden’ data, θ is parameter(s).

General EM algorithm consists of two steps, E (expectation) step and M (Maximization) step.

E step: Calculate the following ‘Q function’

M step: Calculate new parameter(s) θ(t+1) that maximize the ‘Q function’

On an HMM, the joint probability of the output sequence (‘Visible’ data) x and the hidden state sequence (‘Hidden’ data) π is written as

using ‘real’ parameters θ=({ak},{ek(b)}) and the ‘real counts’ on the ‘real state transitions’ π of emissions Ek(b,π) and that of transitions Ak(π).

E step of HMM

The Q function of the HMM is calculated as

by using the values obtained from forward-backward algorithm,

M step of HMM

Under the constraint ak=1 and bek(b)=1, Q(θ|θ(t)) is maximized by setting